Gist Hall Update: Recent Tests and Next Steps
After the initial discovery of disturbed asbestos in the air plenum of Gist Hall, material in the attic floor was tested to determine if it had been contaminated with asbestos from adjacent piping insulation.
Results show asbestos fibers were not present in this material, indicating the asbestos is contained to the pipe insulation and has not spread to other areas in the attic. As a precautionary measure, the pipe and insulation will be removed to eliminate the potential for any future releases from this area.
This work broadens the scope of the cleanup and, as a result, we anticipate Gist Hall is expected to remain closed until late July. The air throughout the building does not contain asbestos fibers (see the report) and will be tested again for the presence of asbestos fibers before the building reopens.
The University is in the process of selecting a company to remove the asbestos. Once a contractor is hired, more details about when the abatement work will begin, and the scope and timeline of the project will be provided.
In the meantime, offices and other spaces in Gist Hall cannot be accessed for work or personal items. Employees who work in Gist Hall and have questions should contact their supervisor. For updates, Frequently Asked Questions, resources, and full test results go to